How much does teeth whitening cost

How Much Does Teeth Whitening Cost?

Teeth whitening is a great way to improve the look of your smile. Several factors can affect the cost of this type of treatment. It depends on which method is used, which products are available, and how long it takes. You may also need a touch-up after the initial whitening to ensure that the results last as long as you need them.

You can whiten your teeth on your own using kits that contain a tray and gel. These are relatively inexpensive but are not as effective as the professional treatments. You will need to use the kit at least twice a day for two weeks. Ginger Scoggins Dentistry The dentist will check the progress.

Some dental offices offer in-office teeth whitening, which can be done while you are getting your teeth cleaned. A typical treatment may take as little as one hour. The average price for an in-office whitening procedure can range from $300 to $1,000.

Over-the-counter kits are much cheaper and can be found at your local drug store. You can buy these kits for as low as $20 to $40. Most kits contain peroxide-based whitening agents. The concentration of the bleaching agent is important.

For those with more advanced stains, a deep bleaching procedure is necessary. It involves the application of a special whitening solution to your teeth in custom trays that are created by your dentist. A light can accelerate the whitening process, so you can get the same effect in just a few hours. The end result is a smile that is noticeably brighter.

Some dentists offer take-home whitening kits, and they may be able to provide you with a free sample of the product. They can even come in pre-loaded trays. This is an affordable way to brighten your smile, but you will need to follow the instructions carefully. It is recommended that you visit your dentist for the free whitening at least once before purchasing a kit.

Besides a great smile, teeth whitening can also boost your self-confidence. Depending on the brand of whitening kit, it can also reduce the appearance of discoloration caused by soda, coffee, wine, and tobacco.

The best part about teeth whitening at your dentist’s office is that it is usually covered by insurance. Most health insurers cover the cost of in-office whitening, although your individual coverage will vary. If you are covered, you can expect to pay as little as $200. This makes it the perfect choice if you are a new patient. You can also bundle it into your new-patient special.

While it can be hard to predict how much it will cost, teeth whitening at your dentist’s office can be an effective way to get your smile in tip-top shape. The cost will depend on your particular situation, but the end result is well worth it.

For more information on the many options available to you, contact Aspen Dental today. Their goal is to offer patients high quality dental care that they can afford. They accept Medicaid and other third-party financing plans.

How Much Does Teeth Whitening Cost