When to Seek Immediate Medical Attention for an Eye Injury

When to Seek Immediate Medical Attention for An Eye Injury

Often, patients tend to ignore eye injuries, thinking that they will simply go away on their own. However, certain eye conditions require immediate medical attention. Here are some symptoms to be on the lookout for. Symptoms of an eye injury can include pain, swelling, double vision, and swelling.

Double vision

Double vision can occur due to a variety of underlying conditions. It can be temporary or permanent, and can be caused by anything from eye alignment problems to an eye injury. Medical professionals can help determine the cause of double vision to help you get the treatment you need to prevent it from becoming a serious issue.


If you have an eye injury, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible. No matter how severe the injury is, it should be treated immediately. The first step is a thorough examination. Eye Doctor in Lancaster The injury may be as simple as an object entering the eye. In this case, you should not try to remove the object on your own, and should immediately go to the nearest emergency room for treatment.


An eye injury can cause various symptoms. For instance, the eye may become extremely sensitive to touch and the eyeball may be painful to move. Swelling may occur in the eyeball, eyelid, or even the entire face. It is also common for vision to become blurry or distorted.

Painful eye

If you have a painful eye, you should immediately contact a doctor. Some eye injuries are minor and won’t require a trip to the emergency room, but others are severe enough to warrant immediate medical care. Before you decide to go to the emergency room, call your doctor and listen to their instructions.

Chemical eye burns

Chemical eye burns are caused by chemical substances splashed or rubbed in the eyes. Acidic substances, such as soaps and sunscreens, can cause a mild irritation, but alkali chemicals can be extremely harmful to the eye. These substances can cause permanent vision damage or blindness. It is therefore important to seek immediate medical attention for chemical eye burns.

Vitreous hemorrhage

Vitreous hemorrhage can happen due to several different causes, including trauma to the eye. A fracture or a laceration of the retina can break a blood vessel causing bleeding. A vitreous hemorrhage may also result from a vascular disease in the eye, such as ocular melanoma. In addition, some types of eye surgery may also cause a vitreous haemorrhage.

Retinal tear

Retinal tears are a serious condition that requires urgent treatment. This condition can cause vision loss or even detachment of the retina. However, retinal tears are preventable. Oftentimes, these tears can be detected early during a comprehensive eye exam.

When to Seek Immediate Medical Attention for an Eye Injury

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